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What it means to be  an adventure student is your are having a good time while working. You do a lot of projects so you can have fun with them. Before you come here you need to know that you have to do a blog post every week about what you leaned. You learn from playing educational games. You do have to do play infront of all of adventure.  


You do do a lot of projects thoughout the year. Some of the projects are boreing and some projects are cool. Most projects you do with a team and those projects teach you the value of teamwork. The other projects you do by youself are not thet hard and the projects that are dificult are done in a team.


One thing you need to know is that adventure doesn't have many feild trips and you need to acept that. I you dont acept that you need to find a different place. 

What it means to be an adventure student.

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